Buses from Paraty to Rio de Janeiro

You can get from Paraty to Rio de Janeiro by local bus, there are buses leaving almost every hour throughout the day and night, or taking a daily transfer, which will drop you off at your accommodation in Rio or at one of the Airports


The bus ride between Paraty and Rio de Janeiro takes approximately 6 hours, it departs every day from 02:00am until 21:00pm


The company offering the Paraty to Rio de Janeiro direct route is Costa Verde and departs from Terminal Rodoviário Vereador Agílio Ramos (Paraty main bus terminal), arriving at Rodoviaria Novo Rio (Rio de Janeiro's main bus terminal)



Book this bus now!

Origin City = Paraty - RJ

Destination City = Rio de Janeiro - RJ (TODOS)

Class of buses used on this route is:


  • Convencional - Semi-bed half recline


Daily Transfer from Paraty to Rio de Janeiro

The Green Toad can reserve you a 10 seater van which will drop off at locations in Rio's Southern Zone, Centro, Santa Terressa, and Lapa.


The driver can pick-you up from your accommodation if it is located in a central area of the township of Paraty or if you are staying at the neighboring beach of Jabaquara. Please note there are some streets with-in the historic centre do not permit vans to enter and you may be required to walk a bit to get to your lodging. For all other areas around Paraty you can be picked-up at the Paraty bus terminal which is serviced by local buses and taxis.


For more information about the transfer go to this link:  Rio de Janeiro.


Daily Transfer from Paraty to Rio de Janeiro Airports

The Green Toad can also reserve you a van which will drop off at one of the Rio de Janeiro Airports. The size of the van will depend on how many people are travelling.


The driver can pick-you up from your accommodation if it is located in a central area of the township of Paraty or if you are staying at the neighboring beach of Jabaquara. Please note there are some streets with-in the historic centre do not permit vans to enter and you may be required to walk a bit to get to your lodging. For all other areas around Paraty you can be picked-up at the Paraty bus terminal which is serviced by local buses and taxis.


The journey usually takes about 5 hours, but if there is road works we recommend you count on 6hrs. Please allow plenty of time to make it to your flight on time!!!


For more information about the transfer go to this link:  Rio de Janeiro Airports

Frequently Asked Questions


How long is the bus trip from Paraty to Rio de Janeiro?

The bus takes 4.5 to 5 hours on average to travel to Rio de Janeiro. Although Rio is only 250 km (150 miles) from Paraty, the road winds around the coastal road and stops frequently. Traffic can cause delays as you enter Angra dos reis on the way to Rio and also arriving in Rio.



Where does the bus from Paraty to Rio de Janeiro depart from?

 The bus departs from the main Paraty bus station which is located in a central area of the town




Which terminal does the bus from Paraty arrive in Rio?

The bus from Paraty will arrive at the main bus station in Rio de Janeiro called the Rio Novo Rodoviaria, located downtown.  Read about the station and what facilities available in the terminal on our Rio Novo guide



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